For some adults reading is the best break you can have but with the little ones it can seem frustratingly difficult. It’s like being forced to dance upside down, underwater with a mermaid tail. Close to the impossible and sucks out the fun.
Director of graduate and doctoral reading programs at Widener University, in Chester, Pennsylvania, Annemarie B. Jay, Ph.D., says the foundation for the way children feel about books and readings are laid during kindergarten and first grade. It is not only important for them to read but to enjoy the process which cultivates a reading habit.
We’ve done some brainstorming and came up with these creative ways to make reading interesting and fun.
Setting a reading place
If you have a reading room, then that’s great! But if you don’t, a kids’ teepee set up in a corner would do. Work with them to make an area they’ll want to hang out in. Think comfy and calming.
Pick the right books
Picking the right book is as crucial as making any other education decision for your child. You’ll need to know the type of books to suit their reading level. It’s always nice to see your child’s growth but bear in mind that something too challenging equals to discouraging.
Let them be in charge
Just like how they love to rule the house, they LOVE to be the ruler of their lives. That’s why giving them the freedom to load up on books they find interesting might be the best starting point.
Break the rules
Sometimes instead of them reading alone, be the one reading it out to them. If they find something too boring or difficult, make the story come to life. Change your voice to make it silly or create a play like a scene from the movie Bedtime Stories.
Defy denial
If your child is struggling to read, don’t be ashamed to get help. Don’t wait, denial will only make it worse. Get them tested or tutored, whatever that can help.
Don’t fret, you’ve got this!